About Us

Who are we ?

Who are we? August 10, 2018, in Port-au-Prince, marks the birth of the Order for the Defense of Human Rights, a non-governmental, non-profit organization whose main objectives are the defense, protection and promotion of the rights of Haitians as human beings and subjects of law. The Order of Human Rights Defenders (ORDEDH) also aims to improve the lives of citizens and their environment.

In order to fulfill this mission, it has set itself the following objectives and missions:
- Ensure the rule of law and guarantee respect for the rights and freedoms of Haitians, both inside and outside the country, while promoting social, economic and cultural rights.
- Support the right to work and fair and satisfactory conditions to combat unemployment.
- Support the right to a standard of living adequate to ensure health, well-being, food, housing, medical care and necessary social services.
- Support the right to education, to primary, basic, technical and professional education, as well as access to higher education.
- Encourage investments in Haiti, particularly in rural areas, in order to create more jobs.
- Encourage investments by the Haitian state in infrastructure to improve the business environment.
- Encourage the Haitian government to take concrete measures to stimulate economic growth.
- Collaborate with all national organizations and international institutions interested in the issue of national production and local consumption in order to contribute to the country's development process. The actions of the ORDEDH prove and confirm its commitment to the fight for respect for the rights of every citizen. The services that we provide daily to the most vulnerable are living proof of the activity of the ORDEDH.


The main objectives of the ORDEDH are as follows:
- Promote and protect fundamental human rights in all areas (civil, political, economic, social and cultural)
- Fight against all forms of discrimination and inequalities - Raise awareness and educate the public about human rights issues
- Provide concrete support to victims of human rights violations
- Contribute to the establishment of sustainable and inclusive development The ORDEDH campaigns for these rights to be guaranteed and effective for all. Convinced that sustainable development requires respect for human rights, the organization works to change mentalities and public policies in this direction. It therefore carries out awareness-raising, advocacy and support actions for victims of violations. Beyond borders, ORDEDH works for fairer and more united global governance. It calls for the establishment of effective and binding human rights protection mechanisms, in order to combat inequalities and injustices that persist on an international scale. Guided by a humanist and universalist ethic, the ORDEDH embodies the hope of a world where the dignity and freedoms of everyone are fully recognized and respected.


La mission centrale de l'ORDEDH est de promouvoir et de protéger les droits humains dans toutes leurs dimensions - civils, politiques, économiques, sociaux et culturels. L'organisation vise à faire respecter la dignité, les libertés et l'égalité de tous les êtres humains, sans aucune forme de discrimination. Elle s'attache à identifier et à dénoncer toute violation des droits fondamentaux, tout en apportant un soutien concret aux victimes


The ORDEDH philosophy: Promoting a humanist vision of fundamental rights ORDEDH, Organization for Rights and Equity in Human Development, upholds the values ​​of a just and equitable society for all. Its mission is to ensure respect and protection of universal human rights, without distinction of any kind. At the heart of ORDEDH’s philosophy is a deeply rooted humanist vision. Its members consider that every human being, whatever their origin, religion or social condition, has the right to dignity, freedom and development. They firmly oppose any form of discrimination, oppression or exploitation that would undermine the integrity and fundamental freedoms of individuals. The ORDEDH pays particular attention to the different types of conflicts affecting Haiti. Its teams collect daily data on the situation on the ground in order to better understand the issues and adapt their actions accordingly. This careful monitoring allows themto better defend the rights of the most vulnerable populations.


Documentation and reporting

They collect and publish reports on human rights violations to raise awareness and encourage corrective action.



Saul Goodman

Ceo & Founder

Proin iaculis purus consequat sem cure digni ssim donec porttitora entum suscipit rhoncus. Accusantium quam, ultricies eget id, aliquam eget nibh et. Maecen aliquam, risus at semper.

Sara Wilsson


Proin iaculis purus consequat sem cure digni ssim donec porttitora entum suscipit rhoncus. Accusantium quam, ultricies eget id, aliquam eget nibh et. Maecen aliquam, risus at semper.

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